
Iframe Virus

The best way I can think of to reply to an email from a client is to provide some links to web sites talking about the Iframe virus. This is not the problem though. The problem with this bug is that no one has ever found the code that injects the line into HTML files, thus drawing more bugs in:
"<iframe src=”http://[removed for safety]/rc/” style=”display:none”></iframe>"


The line "<iframe" has been found on all OS Servers but no one has ever said that other then the about link, anything but Microsoft Servers are infected beyond this code in HTML files. Mac and Linux doesn't pass the bug its self, just the HTML code when edited from an infested MS based computer.

When this bug is found on Linux or Mac servers, simply removing the iframe code stops it but the only way to kill in on an MS system (server or workstation) is to do at least a government level wipe (G-Wipe). A G-Wipe is where 1's are written to the hard drive then 0's then 1's again. I like to do at least 5 times where the government says only 3 are needed.


On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 7:38 PM, <wordupmagazine@charter.net> wrote:
Hello Bob,

We were telling some people about the virus that you said attacked our computer!

Can you write down exactly what the viruses was doing or what the symptoms are?


Mitchell & Dorothy