Hi everyone.
I know I'm not much of a blogger. I have more tweets in 1 day then blogs in a month. I search the net every day looking for news stories to post on twitter. Then all the other social sites like, Linkin, Facebook and others grabs my tweets and my little beep gets broadcasted around the world... Nice<G>
I find as much stuff I can to put out and hope you all read it to keep your Microsoft and apparently Mac computers safe.
This is getting so crazy out there.
We have the G+/Facebook war brewing. Hackers hitting more and more.
Face Book
Facebook chat is always passing bugs around. They look at people you chat with and don't then basically block your lest active friends.
Internet IP addess
Governments are wanting to control more "free speech" by controlling and blocking IP's
Wireless Security
Well, there is a joke in its self. Example: A lot of people are using AT&T wireless router/modems and ether using the default pass code or turning it off completely because its such a "pain" to bother with the password. I came across a news story how a guy (non-hacker) was able access a wireless router in his neighborhood with in a week and setup accounts using names to point at the victim and say the victim was doing it. Then started posting child porn under these names. AT&T uses 2wire modems. On the bottom is a number that any 10 year old kid can make a program to hack it.
Web sites
I wont say porn sites are good or bad or any sites that the general public would but I will say its not the content but what you don't see that is going on.
Running a computer shop and 99% of my repairs are to reinstall Microsoft Windows from XP to 7, I see a lot of scare ware, spy ware, and many other things that bring systems to my shop. I have often found that, looking in the browser cache, I can see where the viruses and such are in the header of cached web pages. I find a little peace of code that un-packs a Trojan horse into your system and then all hell brakes loose. Now you have a pop up saying that your computer has this many bugs and if you buy our program, we will fix it for you. I find this stuff in systems using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 through 8. Firefox, not so much but yes, it is still the same foundation AKA Microsoft based. I would never knowingly allow someone to remotely access my entire system by using a virtual private net work (VPN) let alone letting a trojan control my system. Well, thoughs pop ups called scare ware are doing just that. They shut down the MS built in tools that are used to disable them and sometimes doing that even in the so called "Safe Mode".
To be honest with you, I can do that on my web pages and then you end up here at my shop getting it "fixed". It's to easy to screw up MS Windows gang.
Lets see, I've talked about wireless security and what a joke that is, how web pages and face book are infesting computers....
Mac Systems
Even Mac based systems, witch uses the Linux kernel as its core is getting hit hard. Oh, and don't forget, now Microsoft is "taking over Linux" by putting code into it (I sure wish they wouldn't do that just becuase they can't get there crap right). OK, now wait. The best and most secure OS in the world and Microsoft fingers in it.... Shit, now Linux systems are going to get hit too. Since Mac is based on Linux, that opens more problems for them too.
I have been following and reading a lot the last few weeks. All we can do is "try" to slow the problems down. There will always be ways for the hackers to brake your computer. The faster someone fixes a problem, the faster the hackers find new ways to brake it. If there was a quick and easy fix, it would be over in a second. There is NO SUCH THING and never will be. Company's like Symantec and McAfee that say your safe are full of it. If anyone says your safe, they don't know shit. I see all kinds of computers with bugs and it doesn't matter what ant-virus or anti-spyware you have. As long as the internet is out there, there will be more ways to hack your system then they can stop.
What MS and the bug stoppers are not telling you is that, if you start with a weak foundation, your house of cards will fall sooner or later. The biggest being MS Windows and all versions of it. Well, enough ramblings from me for now. Follow me on Twitter and maybe I will find some little piece of advice that you can use to give you a little more time to not come see me.
Don't forget, all of R&T Computers contact info can be found on our main web site.
New update: Although, Google has joined the war on the bugs, there first attempt missed the boat for how to correct it. The good news is that they have changed the post and gives you a lot more details now Google
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